Yes as uncomfortable as it seems, there are many warning signs/indicators for taking care of your assets or hinderances (boobs, breasts, tits - whatever takes our fancy).
Have you heard of Duct Ectasia Pendicular Mastitus? Nor had I until recently. Duct Ectasia Pendicular Mastitus is a condition that affects the ducts behind your nipple which collects fluid. The fluid may be non-bloody or a bloody discharge.
I had been having tingling feelings in my left beast for over a year or maybe more to be honest, I just ignored it, like we do. My pain was not related to my menstrual cycle it was just random, sometimes shooting pains which felt like hot needles being pieced into every vein in the related area. It had been keeping me up at nights, I would take pain killers, hot baths even take a hot water bottle to bed as the pain would radiate from my back over to the top of my shoulder. At first I thought it was my bra size as I had recently put on weight but soon ruled that out after having a fitting recently speared headed by Rigby and Peller report on high street shops not making the grade.
I decided to take matters into my own hands and took myself to the doctors. After a thorough examination and half an hour later I was contacted by the Breast Clinic in Farnborough Hospital for an immediate examination. I felt instantly sick, I thought I was going to pass out. It could only be breast cancer so I thought. I spent all day at the Breast Clinic the one stop shop. After an Ultra Sound, Mammogram and rigorous examinations I have a common illnesses that affects many women.
Just beware this maybe early signs of your menopause. If your ducts are blocked it can cause inflammation or infection and a lot of pain!!
Click here for more details.
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