Sunday, 24 October 2010

Stop that snooping now!

I know it seems like a contradiction to say that people shouldn't snoop on each other's Facebook as that is after all the raison d'etre of social networking sites - legitimized 'curtain twitching'. For this reason, I would suggest that everyone carefully vet who they add to, and what information they divulge on their Facebook. My gripe however is with those 'friends' who are proud to say that they never include any information on their Facebook or update it, the ones who are opposed to including pictures of themselves and their families but are quite happy to view my pictures and visit my page every day. That strikes me as a bit of a one-sided relationship where you, my 'friend' get to take and give nothing in return so I've decided to make it my goal to pull the plug on you.
It's like this....either you're interested in Facebook or you're not, if you're not...I would respect you for simply not opening an account. If you do however decide to open an account then you should populate it, granted not everyone has time on their hands or anything worth posting about to update their wall or profile or status everyday or every week for that matter but when the last activity on your wall was you becoming friends with someone 3 months ago then that tells me it's time for you and I to part company...atleast in cyberspace.

I know for a fact that some people take pleasure in observing the lives of others, passing judgement and boasting that they give nothing in return which is why I want you to forget the numbers game, it's about quality not quantity people. I think everyone should periodically delete inactive Facebook friends. It's extremely therapeutic - honestly, you should try it.
I'm sure like me you hate the thought of someone who hasn't dropped you line in a year or more since they asked to be added as your 'friend' ...and yet still have access to your family photos and details of things you find interesting. On a personal note, I consider Facebook a useful tool for keeping in touch with family and friends all over the globe, and in some cases keeping in touch with people I admire or find interesting... it's less about getting in touch with the old schoolmates or random friends of friends who for the most part I will have little or nothing in common with, but more a way of allowing my friends who I once saw regularly but no longer see because either I or they have moved to another country, access to photos of my children, so they get to see them grow and to hear about my new life wherever that may be.
The 'takers' as I've decided to call snoopy passive facebook friends defeat the purpose of social networking sites. My question is if you're too busy or too private to update your status, or add a personal photo or post articles or things of interest, then what on earth are you doing on Facebook? Television is a far better medium for you as it requires a passive audience....shows like 'Gossip Girl' or the Hills work best as their format is like watching a CCTV recording of someone's life. I would advise you stay away from the likes of X factor or Strictly Come Dancing ('Dancing with the stars' in the USA) as they too may require some audience participation.
But for crying out loud, do stop accumulating friends who you have no intention of interacting with.

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