I love being married: to have, to hold, in sickness and in health, etc...it's a beautiful thing. But do I really need to take on my husband's name? Oh, I know we're meant to, but I don't want to give 'me' up...excuse me, of course I mean my name. I've lived with it my whole life and have become quite partial to it. As my friend laments, "I've finally come to love and accept my name, I used to think it was long and hard to pronounce. I don't want to lose it now that I've found peace with it."
What does this say about us? Are we bad, selfish wives? Are we just trying to have our cake and eat it too? Enjoying the trappings of marriage (...to have, to hold, etc...) but acting out our single, independent days sans the 2.5 kids when we had disposable income?
I guess I could go double-barreled but my hand would hurt...DO I JUST NEED TO GROW UP?